With which character trait do you most need God's help?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Humbling Process of Learning Something New!

When have you ever wished that you didn't have to learn something new (like Blogging, snowboarding, submitting to a particular authority figure, or budgeting!), because it was too hard and, thus, humbling?


Unknown said...

I think these last few years have been really uncomfortable because I have been required to step out of my comfort zone. Some of my new areas, I have done well and some areas I have flopped, but even in my flopping, I have come to the conclusion that I win. So, flopping is not so bad after all. I think my flops are just set ups for me to walk in what God has called me to walk in. Through it all, I am definitely a much better person. The awesome thing about learning something new or trying something new is that the humility comes without you even realizing it. The work is done and I just realize, oh wow, I am a different person and didn't even realize that was the area that was being repaired. God is good. The image that comes to mind: a dislocated shoulder-someone distracts you with the intent to put things back in place and before you know it the shoulder is back in place before you have time to think about it, complain, or refuse the repair. A little painful, but all better!

Unknown said...

Lyntina! Very well said! I have been feeling the same for the past year and 1/2. Leaving a comfortable corporate job, not by choice I was layed off, has been difficult. While I think my husband would remind me that I complained about it all the time, I am realizing that the set schedule and regular paycheck were very comforting and easy. Starting a new career and my running my own business is anything but easy and comfortable. Although it is affording me the opportunity, may I say forcing me to focus on what God's calling for my life is. I feel like I am learning to ride a two wheeler all over again, He is providing the "training wheels" and I have faith that He will catch me when I fall! But it is definitely not comfortable!